Teacher in London

Different Certifications to Become a Teacher in London

There are a number of methods to become a qualified teacher in London. The different methods available take care of all people who want to get into the teaching profession. The pathways to becoming a teacher in London is different for post graduates, undergraduates and high school diploma holders. In London you can become a teacher via these qualifications:

School Direct Teacher Training

School direct is a method of becoming a QTS by training on the job .Trainees are required to have an initial undergraduate degree in any subject , and a minimum of a C in GSCE  English and Mathematics. School direct teacher trainees mostly find work in independent schools. However, to qualify for this your undergraduate degree should be relevant to the subject you want to teach. You will be teaching at the school you get accepted in while you undertake a QTS training.

Undergraduate teaching degree

A Bachelor of Arts degree in Education in London leads to a direct qualification for QTS. Such a degree takes 3 full years .In addition to full time training, trainees  undertake a 4 months school experience placement .Trainees choose a subject of specialism in their first year

BTEC Level 3 (90-credit) Diploma in Health and Social Care

Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)

The PGCE is another route to obtain a qualified teacher status in London. PGCE is available for both primary and secondary teaching in various universities. Prospective trainees need to have good command of their chosen subjects and clear focus of what age range they will be teaching. PGCE Courses are funded like undergraduate degrees. This higher education course takes two years and it allows graduates in any field to become qualified teachers within maintained schools.

Graduate Teacher Programme

This is on the job training similar to School Direct, but this one is salaried. GTP is for individuals who wish to make a career change, it gives them a chance to try out teaching. Individuals earn a salary as they teach within a selected school while they undergo ITT. Your school pays you an unqualified teacher’s salary.

Early Childhood Education degree

Early childhood education has grown to be a broad field of study attracting many prospective trainees. To enroll into this degree programme most institutions require a GCE A-level BBC. The qualified teacher status is automatically awarded to those who complete training and school placements

School Centered Initial Teacher Training (SCITT)

This is a one year training run by a group of schools, after which you are awarded a QTS. Trainees receive training within the school they are supposed to teach rather than at the university. Trainees spend most of their time in a primary or secondary school teaching students while receiving training from a qualified mentor. To get the SCITT opportunity you are required to approach potential schools in person and make your case. An honors degree and a minimum of C in GSCE English and Mathematicises required for this certification.

Despite the different methods and pathways to this profession, the skills, experience and the training needed remains the same. It is important to note that some independent schools and academies do not require their teachers to have a QTS.

By SCCD Training School In London.